Friday, May 22, 2015

7QT - Links and Braxton Hicks


Sorry, I haven't really had any cohesive dreams and my stomach has desired me eating through lunch break instead of writing. Who knew? 

Sixteen weeks tomorrow. My heartburn is finally at a point where I'm not miserable all the time and can just occasionally take a Tums. And I had a couple Braxton Hicks contractions yesterday. At least I think that's what they were. Don't know what else they could be. 


I couldn't find the original link for the article, but I saw an article on Facebook about progesterone being used during pregnancy to prevent miscarriage. *all gasp* Such a novel idea! Why haven't we done this before? 

Oh, wait. The Pope Paul VI Institute has been doing this for years. Europe is barely starting to catch on. And my OB told me that I didn't need to be on progesterone (even though when I was five weeks along, my progesterone levels were 5-10 points lower than it should be) and it was silly and why would we try to support my first pregnancy? They only think about trying to support pregnancies after at least three miscarriages. Three. Miscarriages. 

Sorry, I'd much rather take a pill that has a strong chance of helping my babies than let them die. (I'm still annoyed with the doctor, can you tell?)


I love Dick Van Dyke. 


This blog post is a good reminder, even if my current parenting "philosophy" is making sure the child doesn't completely deplete every source of nutrients in my body. If I'm going to be a parent, rather than a friend, I have to hold to "no". Even when they're tiny. 


My husband now wants to grill using lava. 

I still think that this is likely to end up with someone in the hospital. I'll stick to charcoal, thanks. 


I want to go to Spain so I can buy secret cookies baked by nuns. This is why. (It helps that they go through with pictures and everything, showing you exactly how to get to the baked goodness.)  


Shane and I finally finished Season 2 of Doctor Who. 

And I kinda want an excuse to run around with old 3D glasses on.
It's kind of sad — I personally enjoyed Rose as the Companion, but it will be interesting to see how the show moves on. (Yes, we started initially watching the Doctor in February. We don't watch more than three episodes a week normally. So hush.)

Someday my quick takes will actually have some kind of organization. For, you have these? And you can read the rest of them at This Ain't the Lyceum

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