So here are seven facts about my pregnancy to date! (Yay!)
I am currently one day shy of the 20 week mark. Twenty. Weeks. Halfway. It's kinda crazy feeling.
I am hungry all the time. I feel like a teenage boy. This is a recent development — as in, I became a ravenous adolescent male as of four days ago. ALL THE FOOD MUST GO INTO MY MOUTH EVERY TEN SECONDS. Seriously, I'm hungry half an hour after dinner. So, the child is growing?
We had the 18 week ultrasound...about two weeks ago. So, you 18 weeks. Yes, we know what sex (and gender) the child is. No, we aren't telling. The poor thing won't die because it doesn't have all pink or all blue items.
Yes, the child spent most of the ultrasound wiggling. Also like this - feet up, hands behind head, not a care in the world. Adorable little stinker.
I'm kinda starting to nest. Only instead of this coming out in any PRACTICAL format, like setting up a nursery (can't yet, we have no room or things) or cleaning the apartment (which should be done) or packing months before we move (I've heard stories) I'm making lists. Of things we will need when the baby comes. That we have no room for until after we move.
And watching kittens and begging my husband for one. Poor guy, the answer is always, "When we live somewhere that lets us have a cat." And somehow my head immediately goes "OMIGOSH YES" until the next day when I've forgotten the whole thing and go through the ridiculous rigmarole again. Sorry honey!
The child likes to kick me when I'm driving, or having fun, or sleeping, or in a meeting. Not anytime when Shane can feel the kicks (and oftentimes it's into the ribs or spine anyway), but when it's a nuisance. Stinker.
Like I said, the vivid dreams stopped for some reason. Although that's probably good, because otherwise after seeing Jurassic World I would have been writing about ten thousand dreams about dinosaurs eating people. (Good movie, by the way.)
My doctor keeps telling me that I have a boring pregnancy. Yay for healthy babies!
Go to This Ain't the Lyceum for more quick takes this week.
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