Friday, May 15, 2015

7QT - Kittens and a Marian Ascension Mass


I'm still watching the kitten cam when I can. They are adorable and getting bigger and you should totally watch them


We started apartment hunting. We're looking to move out of our tiny apartment into a place with enough room for a baby. It's interesting so far. All of the places that have shown up within our budget are currently about a two-hour commute in for me, and I'll still have to work for at least a couple of months. So that will be interesting to see the final result. 


I'm starting to work on making a backlog of posts so that I can at least have two or three things a week. They're mostly wonky dreams so far (upcoming you can expect a lobster-sea monster and walruses joining a swimming team off the coast of Florida, just for a couple). Some days I don't have enough time to write things down, so I'm remembering as best I can. (Also, it seems that most of my dreams involve dinosaurs, big cats, and/or water.) 


I discovered this song and I am completely in love.


I'm 15 weeks tomorrow and can still, about two of my old shirts. I'm getting more, bit by bit, but it's kind of a nuisance. Why exactly are maternity clothes so expensive when they just have a little bit of extra fabric? (I get my stuff at a thrift store, but still.) 

I'm really tired of heartburn making my life interesting. I miss tomatoes, and lemon, and acidic things. But they make my stomach hate me, so I avoid them. Also, this over-strong gag reflex nonsense is making aforementioned heartburn even more interesting when I have to take pills. I've had several days this week when I wasn't actually able to get pills down because I was avoiding my gag reflex and tossing them all back out. 


Has anyone else ever heard multiple Marian songs at Mass for the Ascension? It was remarkably confusing. There are lots of songs about Christ, why are we singing about Mary? (Not that I don't like her, it was just odd.) 


It got cold this week. I'm quite ready for warmth to stop running away from Massachusetts and just stay here already. At least it was only 60 instead of 40-50 like it has been when we get cold spells. 

Sorry. I had a boring week. It should start getting more interesting as we look at more apartments and start doing more things on the weekend. This one should include the chocolate chip pancakes with strawberries that I've been wanting.

Hope you have a good weekend! Read more quick takes at This Ain't the Lyceum

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