Tuesday, June 21, 2016

Another baby on the way

Yesterday, we had the halfway-through ultrasound, where they measure everything that can possibly be measured (if the baby cooperates) and make their best educated diagnosis on whether you're having a tiny ball of energy that will never ever stop and eat all of your food or...well, actually, all children are like that. If you're having a boy or a girl.

My husband likes to know which child we have, and I lack an opinion, so we find out. With Kathryn, I did enjoy knowing that she was a girl because once we had the ultrasound, we knew her name and somehow using her name before she was born helped with bonding. (Because otherwise her pregnancy just kind of was not fun.) And seeing as I forget that I'm pregnant most of the time, some bonding would be nice. (No kicks yet. Despite a very active baby in every ultrasound.)

We had both names picked and ready for the baby, and I went in, all excited to find out which name was going to attach to this child...

And the baby never opened his/her legs so we could tell.

Oh well. We'll find out eventually.


So as of today, I am 18 weeks 6 days along with a baby who regularly measures 5 days ahead of the size he/she should be. Between that and Kathryn being born 3 weeks early, I'll be very surprised if this child isn't early too.


While I typed this post, Kathryn was chewing on her favorite toy/security blanket — my scapular.

Friday, June 10, 2016

7QT: Updates on lots of things

So yes, I've been MIA for a while. Miss Kathryn has not been particularly cooperative, and my energy levels are...less than stellar.



This is why. 

(We're hoping this isn't indicative of how they'll behave together.)

So yeah, I'm pregnant again. I'm somewhere right around 17 weeks and due November 16. (If you're doing the math, yes, Kathryn was only 4 months old and yes, I'm sure exactly one month minus one day after Kathryn's first birthday.) And we only found out at the end of April, so it's really weird. We go for the full midway ultrasound a week from Monday. It's really bizarre. 


Also, Kathryn is crawling. Although not like a NORMAL child. She crawls using her head, bum, and feet. 

Proof. (I think. I'm on my phone waiting to have my blood drawn and it won't let me preview the video.)


And she likes to stand and try to walk. 

She still falls over when she's sitting, but she wants to stand and try to walk. 


She's starting to say "Mamamamama". It generally means she wants to eat. Or she's happy. Or there's something she wants to put in her mouth that she can't reach. 


My husband is almost done with the school year. He just had to go back on Tuesday for a few hours, and then he's home for the summer. Kathryn should be happy with it, she gets very excited when he comes home. 


Any tips for road trips with babies? We have a wedding 4 hours away and a reunion 2+hours away this summer, and we'd like to take a few other road trips this summer. We've only done hour long drives with her before, so tips on longer rides would be much appreciated. 


I AM going to try to write more, I promise. Hopefully with my husband home to help over the summer, I'll be able to get into a better habit of writing.

You can read more quick takes at This Ain't the Lyceum with Kelly.