Tuesday, July 28, 2015

AMT: Ice cream and my question

Yes, I'm two days late, but we moved on Saturday and I'm currently recovering from mild fever-like symptoms that came after taking the gestational diabetes test. Plus the link-up is still active. So there.

1. What's your favorite grocery store splurge?

I'm going to go with fresh seafood. We normally buy the frozen cheap white fish fillets for use on our meatless Fridays, but once in a while my husband will surprise me and get fresh shrimp, or salmon, or lobster tails. (I refuse to actually kill something in my kitchen. Even something that is basically a giant bug.) 

For example: homemade restaurant-style shrimp scampi with penne and lobster tail. He made this as a surprise to celebrate the fact we've been married for six months

2. How's your penmanship?

...It could be worse? Actually it used to be a lot worse than it is. When I was 15 or so, my mom picked up a couple of calligraphy books from Hobby Lobby since they were on sale and I was supposed to be studying calligraphy in my upcoming school year. I immediately was hooked with the gorgeous lettering and fancy pens, so I talked her into getting me a fountain pen and I taught myself. I don't do it much anymore, but I still remember a couple of the styles and my handwriting has been better ever since.

3. Do you have a "Summer Bucket List?"

Not really. Maybe go swimming? And have a housewarming party (or several because family).

4. What's the best thing on the radio right now?

I don't listen to the radio. I'm not a fan of most pop music, so I don't pay attention to it. I like this song, though. It came out in March, but I don't really care.

So. Catchy. I love the fact it has Tom Hanks in the video. Although I'm not really fond of the fact that Justin Bieber is in the crowd scene at the end.

5. Ice cream or frozen yogurt?

I like both, but my absolute favorite is vanilla ice cream with fresh peaches and chocolate sauce. Mmmm.

6. Have you had that baby NOW?

I sincerely hope not, since I'm not due until early November. I have another ultrasound next week though, and the screening for gestational diabetes and anemia was this morning.


So, my question is just this: should I keep doing this? This is the last link-up for the summer over at Catholic All Year (you should go read the other posts btw), but I'm really enjoying the whole "ask random questions and get a bunch of people to answer them" thing. Should I keep answering random questions every week? I don't want to steal Kendra's link-up, but I don't want the fun to end! Also it helps me blog regularly when my life is mostly pregnancy and my dreams aren't weird enough to make good blog posts.

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