That sounds like it should be in some kind of weird sci-fi or fantasy novel. Or Game of Thrones. But it's what happened!
So we were on our way to a wedding. Because we are economical people, we were flying instead of taking a car. Not by plane, by dragon of course. As in I was riding my husband.
If you're trying to picture what my husband looked like as a dragon, it was something sort of like this:
Only minus the terrified hobbit and piles of gold and general evil nature. He just looked like that. And sounded kinda like that too. (I'm sure this fact actually thrills my husband, he thinks Smaug is awesome.)
Anyway, so we were going to a wedding with other dragons. In my dream (and in this YA book series, if you're curious. It's actually pretty good, although Seraphina is easily and by far my favorite over Shadow Scale) dragons can take human form. (How else do you think I managed being married to a dragon? Especially one that BIG?)
Anyway, most other dragons don't actually associate with humans, so they're not very good at their human forms. Think that they kind of mold themselves into a different shape. Those who have lots of practice — like Shane — are pretty good, but those who don't do it often aren't so good.
So on the way, we meet a dragon in trouble. He's just escaped from dragon prison and needed to hide as a human. His human form kind of looked like Andy Dufresne from The Shawshank Redemption, only with a super long chin and nose, a la most old-fashioned witches.
We took him to a remote tropical island where he could figure out how to act human, and while we were there, he fell in love with one of the mermaids from this dream. We were just getting ready to go to their wedding when my alarm went off.
13 weeks tomorrow! I've mostly got the heartburn back under control. The key is to not eat anything spicier than garlic. I miss tomatoes. But tomorrow we're out of the main danger zone, which is really nice.
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